Omar Smith

Omar Smith

Personal Trainer

Hi Everyone, my name is Omar Smith I am a certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Corrective Exercise Specialist and a Weight Management Specialist. My passion is to help people change their lives in the simplest and most enjoyable way possible. In all my years of training I have found that because of all of the misleading information out there most people think that losing weight and improving their health is just too difficult. So either they never try or give up after a few weeks of trying. My goal is to show people of all ages that getting fit and healthy doesn't have to be hard. If you find the formula that works for you and fits into your everyday lifestyle then the process feels more natural and enjoyable and less tedious and overwhelming. I want to help find the right formula for you! Working together we will find the right foods, workouts, and habits that you will enjoy and that will help you reach your goals. I will be there EVERY step of the way to guide you, motivate you and cheer you on.Before you know it you will find that this will become your new lifestyle. You will have more energy, confidence, your health will improve and you will love what you see in the mirror. So let's take this amazing journey together. As a Coach I only succeed when you succeed, so let's succeed together!

Omar Smith